Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy at Work - Check! - A book that I glided through...

I’d earlier posted about a blog-book on how to be happy at work which I got to know from one of my friends who in turn had found a link to it on another blog he subscribes to (Whew, the blogosphere can put a spider’s web to shame, eh?). Hope you made use of the opportunity and read through the book. :)

Well, I did and finished the book effortlessly as the language is very simple and it is almost like the author is having a casual conversation with the reader. I submitted my feedback on the book on the author’s blog and am reproducing most of it here (as it contains some of my own (additional) thoughts on how to be happy at work…)


Thanks a million for the PDF version of the book. I've read it and it was certainly a breeze. I really think it will inspire people who've for whatever reason not approached work as a happy person. I for one, to be honest, am inherently a happy person and have loved coming to work on most Mondays :). (Except a few weeks when I was reporting to a manager who made it difficult just because I disagreed with his point of view on something.) Well, I believe that a really happy person will come out of any situation even if it takes time. :) Going back to your book, it certainly rang many bells in my mind. I did not feel like putting it down and wanted to read it one shot. :D

While I think you've done a wonderful job of talking about everything that is required to be happy at work....I want to add something more since I believe that you're open to ideas. ;)

- Read something funny everyday and share it with your colleagues to be happy...(If you know me, you know I'd read Calvin and Hobbes or PG Wodehouse....)

- Be a child and get excited about everything that you've to do...

- Develop creative skills for being creative is joyous

- Listen to music that touches your heart and soul to be happy

- Look at everything as a learning experience...however tough it may be....

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