Monday, March 14, 2011

The Creative Personality

  • 10 paradoxical traits of the creative personality  by the Creativity Genius - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi  via @gautamghosh

  • Extracts:
    • Of all human activities, creativity comes closest to providing thefulfillment we all hope to get in our lives. Call it full-blast living.

    • Despite the carefree air that many creative people affect, most of themwork late into the night and persist when less driven individuals wouldnot.

    • Creativeindividuals, on the other hand, seem to exhibit both traits simultaneously. (Extrovertedness and Introvertedness)

    • When tests of masculinity/femininity are given to young people, over andover one finds that creative and talented girls are more dominant andtough than other girls, and creative boys are more sensitive and lessaggressive than their male peers.

    • Inventors have a low threshold ofpain. Things bother them

    • Perhaps the most difficult thing for creative individuals to bear isthe sense of loss and emptiness they experience when, for some reason,they cannot work. This is especially painful when a person feels his orher creativity drying out.

      Yet when a person is working in the area of his of her expertise,worries and cares fall away, replaced by a sense of bliss.

    • Perhapsthe most important quality, the one that is most consistently presentin all creative individuals, is the ability to enjoy the process ofcreation for its own sake.


Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hello Nimmy:

Thanks for the info on creativity.

Here's a blog by an American guy in Florida that I thouight perhaps you might enjoy.

Nimmy said...

Thanks, Mike. I'll take a look this evening! :-) I am sure I'm going to enjoy the blog and learn from it!