Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
I seriously couldn't control my laughter while reading this. Was tempted to look around to ensure that no one was busy dialing an emergency number. This one is actually just one of the strips in a series - that constitutes a bigger story - but it can still be shared as a stand-alone strip without looking incomplete (isn't that another wonderful C&H specialty?). BTW, I am beginning to wonder if I'm the only one (to be more specific - the only adult, who has probably lived half her life already) who cracks up on reading such kid-stories? Keep the humor aside for a minute and focus on Calvin's creativity! Did that shake you to your roots? Or check out the expressions and the nuances of the drawings! Brilliant stuff as always! OK....gotta go now. Got to meet some aliens from Pluto (the same ones that spoke to Calvin) and discuss equally important things like improving the world's GDP, reducing inflation and mortality rates and all that sort of thing.
Nimmy and calvin made for each other. :P
SO good excuses... my manager will die by heart attack or laughter if I can give any of Calvin's excuses for my laziness :)
Ha ha! :-) I like that...but I am sure Calvin will not agree! ;-) LoL.
Seriously, I think it will be mega fun if someone gives such excuses at work - should be executed with a really sober expression though and one should also follow it up with something like "Don't ever suspect that I am insane. This is not an excuse. You'll regret it if you don't believe me. This is the truth and nothing but the truth!"
(Of course, this will definitely prompt your manager to dial the emergency number and flee from the place)
When i was a kid i was raised on the antics of Dennis the Menace. How you ever heard of it?
Hello Asimov! Brilliant to know you grew up with Dennis! :-) Dennis the Menace is still popular though not as well known as Calvin or some of the other cartoons! I remember reading a lot of Dennis the Menace when I was in School! :-) I think Dennis may not have been as "intellectual" as Calvin but he is nevertheless as naughty and funny as Calvin! :-))
Yes. Dennis is naughty to the core. Dennis the Menace and Art Buchwald's satirical column were my favourite reads in Hindu.Art Buchwald's column that used to appear in the last page was very humourous and satirical. I read his last book Too Soon to say Goodbye. It was auto bio-graphical and hilarious to the end.
Thanks for that comment! Will check out Art Buchwald...not so familiar with his work..! But I would appreciate anything that has good humor!
As a kid, I am grown on cartoon strip 'Henry' by don trachte.. Henry is silent osbervor not like naughty Dennis or 'intillegent' Calvin... Check him out.
I am not very familiar with Henry but I most certainly have read some of those cartoons in Deccan Herald while in school/college! Just checked out Wikipedia for some strips...!
Ha! the only adult around who cracks up reading kiddy stuff... you wish! i'm just a little nuttier ;)
Hulloo, What-ho....Jai! Welcome here and all that rot! Nice to meet you. Here's hoping you remain nutty all your life! :-) Hey...looked up your blog...we seriously have similar interests - Wodehouse, C&H, Asterix & Obelix, Guitar (I claim to be a guitarist...) etc. And, yes, you write realllllly well! :-) Hope to exchange blog notes frequently..
Wow! How 'bout that! I guess Bangalore could also be similar... if you were born there too :-)
So, why don't i see your profile on my blog yet?
Jai aka Caveman! Hmm.....BTW, I use bloglines to follow blogs....I've used the "Follow Blog" option earlier but somehow that doesn't actually work out for me....more religious in catching up with posts via that's where I'm to add your blog! Anyway, I'd love to add your blog to my Blogger profile as well...will do so soon! Say Hello to your fellow cavemen! :-)
i happen to see this book on Calvin and Hobbes- in my twitter
Thanks so much, Asimov Sir! :-) Really thoughtful of you to share this. I did hear about this book a few months back! Waiting for it to arrive in the Bangalore bookshops! Waiting to grab it as soon as it comes...!
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