Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Zeroing in on Curbing Corruption

It's been a really long time since I spotted a paradoxical idea worth blogging about. This one comes to me after quite a long break. Source of Info:
Original Blog Post on it:

I think this definitely is a paradoxical idea at its best. Give them what they want. But make it so unique that they no longer want it. ;-)


Ramesh said...

A simple and effective way to reduce corruption.
A slap in the face, without physical power.
It shows your determination to not bow to corruption and that will act as a big deterrent for people who think that it is just a part and parcel of their life.
Aside: The note looks real enough that I am afraid somebody will pass it on to me instead of currency.

Nimmy said...

:-) A slap in the face, indeed. If somebody passes it on to you, ensure it was by mistake and not intentional. ;-) Heh