Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What once made Jack a dull makes him a dull employee!

"It's not the hours you put in your work that counts, it's the work you put in the hours." - Sam Ewing

I think this one ought to be printed in bold, Arial Black (probably), font size 10,000 (whatever) and put up in the reception areas of most companies that I know of. I just can’t help feeling confused when I come across supervisors who complain about a shortage in the number of hours their team is putting in without even attempting to understand whether the output expected of the team has been delivered (if it has been delivered in a duration that’s less than average, that’s more a time for celebration than anything else). And, in the first place, there might actually be a need for supervisors to understand what kind of investment (time) the output expected calls for – maybe there was a gross overestimation. And, of course, at times, even if there is a need for spending more time every day due to underestimation, what its impact is on the quality of the work and what its impact is on the people themselves are serious questions that have to necessarily be posed. Take a simple example - look at students who pour over their books for months together without understanding what in the world they are looking at as opposed to those who understand the concepts quickly and move on to something else (maybe outside of regular work!). You know who’s likely to be referred to as “that bright kid”. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and further on…a dull employee. :P


Arbit Orbit said...


I would like to look at your quote from my perspective, a different approach to the KM / organisational perspective as offered by you.

I am currently involved in a profile that dosent consume me or best harness my potentials. The feeling is so disconcerting when the day ends or another day starts. Makes me reiterate your statement, its the work you put into those hours, that add to your personal feeling of effectiveness and efficiency.

So sometimes the organisation needs to ensure they provide it, at other times, the individual needs to seek it irrespective.

Nimmy said...

deepti!!! :) arbit orbit? ;) (u know what I am talking about...don't you?)
that's the 'deep' secret, eh??!!! :D LOL
anyways, extremely glad to spot you here again....!
i love the posts on your blog....thanks for opening it up to the world...and your iphone post will influence anyone to go get it...! :)

coming to this particular post....your perspective of the quote gives me food for thought!!! mmmm....very important for organizations to understand....which they actually do....just that they don't seem to care!! :(

Arbit Orbit said...

Hi Nimmy

You guessed it right. Deep secret. LOL hahahahhahahha

Actually funny how blogging and connecting makes the world a smaller place. I am in Detroit, MI. If you are ever visiting, lets catch coffee like the Americans would and then Desi khana like the Indians would.


Nimmy said...

:) Cool! Aww. My cousin is in Detroit! So, if I ever get to visit his family, I would be able to meet up with you too! :D
Here's hoping that I do get such an opportunity! :) Take care...BFN.