Thursday, December 23, 2004


What is the cause for misery? Why are there so many people baying for each others blood? Why do people care so less about others? Why do people want to get what they want over others bruised if not dead bodies? Why do people rarely lend out a helping hand? Why do people have people-problems? As I went out to fill my water bottle a few minutes ago, these questions sort of popped up. Don’t ask me why! Are these the answers?

What would happen if people were to be happy, come what may? What would happen if people took the rough with the smooth and never wallowed in self-pity? They wouldn’t expect anyone to come and help them! They’d be happy all the time. Plain happy. They’d be ‘okay’ with everything! They’d know that the roughest of phases would pass. They’d know life is about responding the right way to what cannot be changed and change what can be. If one is not unduly worried about oneself all the time, then one obviously has more time for others. More time for altruism. More time to make the world a better place to live in. On the other hand, there are those who don’t wallow in self-pity or don’t really have too many of their own problems to tackle; they just love to create problems for others; they have a sadistic approach. Maybe they are the ones who’ve got everything in life from the time they were born (reiterates my belief that those who go through harder times are the ones with character). The ones who haven’t seen sorrow. The ones who are naturally inclined to destroy and cause problems. What can be done about these? Only hard times that providence treats them with can probably help them realize that they are on the wrong path. Thus, the second category of people is the one where the more difficult of the two problems lie. Eh? Ramble. Ramble. Ramble. But as someone said, it takes all kinds to make the world! (Err…should it really?)

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