Thursday, April 14, 2011


In the world of FB "Like"

Sulking Sunny hardly "Like"s anything.
Excited Emma "Like"s almost everything.
Manipulative Mohan has an ulterior motive for everything he "Like"s.
Tubelight Theresa wonders what she really "Like"s.
Clueless Chintu doesn't know there is a "Like" button
Random Ramu "Like"s things once in a while
Focused Frank is very particular about what he should "Like"
Exchange Easwaran's motto is "Like" for a "Like"
Profit Padma's motto is one "Like" one for many "Like"s
Opinionated Orlo looks for a "Hate this Like"
Confused Ciby "Like"s and then "UnLike"s and then "Like"s again
Statement Sindhu leaves a comment - "I like it
Shy Sambu does a mouse over "Like" but finally comes off without clicking it
Narcissist Natasha "Like"s her own status updates

Update: Changed some maintain the male:female ratio. :-)
PS: This author does not intend to hurt or offend anyone with this analysis. Please take it with a pinch of salt and as a horrible example of the varieties of human behaviour. OK. Thanks. Bye.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Inspire Me Today - Shannon White

Inspire Me Today - Shannon White

    • Find what makes your heart sing and move mountains to do it and then continue to do it. Each one of us has a life calling... that passion for which we know deep down we've been uniquely made.
    • Some of your most fulfilling moments will come when you get out of your comfort zone... when you take a risk by putting yourself into new situations, with people you don't know. Rough edges are sanded off. Vulnerability becomes a beautiful and magnetic quality about you, and you find deep parts of yourself and gifts you never knew you had.
    • Apologizing costs you nothing, except perhaps a bit of pride, but the benefits of living a life free from old resentment is priceless. Besides, holding onto the past takes a lot of energy. When you let things go, you'll find all sorts of creativity

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    Reality and Words

    Reality is what it is. How we perceive and interpret it determines how we deal with it and subsequently what 'happens' to us. We cannot deny the influence that thoughts (via words) have on our perception and interpretation. And, that is also a part of the reality....

    Ken Robinson on Education & Creativity

    Tuesday, April 05, 2011

    Why is it difficult to explain KM?

    I spent some time answering an old but good KM question (on Linked In, after a long time)

    (Why it is tough for a Knowledge Manager to make others understand what exactly he/she does?)

    IMHO, it is difficult to explain because of the following reasons (in no particular order)

    > There are multiple (sometimes radically different) interpretations of what Knowledge Management is, both at the organizational level as well as at the individual level. No wonder KM departments fit into different streams in different organizations (HR, IT, Quality, Sales etc)

    > It is a constantly and fast evolving field (most fields are, but - for example - just when we thought people were clear about what the KM function typically does, E2.0 happened and the KM R&R changed radically to reflect something highly social rather than asset-based)

    > Knowledge, by itself, is an abstract subject. Pursuit of knowledge is for a few. Pursuit of the more tangible profits is for many

    > People are more interested in "What's in it for them" and would hardly be fascinated by topics like sharing, collaboration (if you were to approach KM purely from that angle) etc - simply because people don't scratch the surface to see what's beneath is actually something that is good for everyone

    > A slightly different flavor arising out of the combination of the first and second point - It is a multidimensional field involving a) culture, processes, technology, content quality etc b) reuse, sharing, communities, collaboration, search, filtering, semantics, etc c) psychology, organizational behavior, group-thinking, brainstorming, mentoring etc                   

    Friday, April 01, 2011

    Personal Knowledge Portfolio

    1. Does this chart make sense? Please note that it is to be seen in the context of an organization and not just an individual. 
    2. Does this consider/address at least the top few platforms and top few benefits?
    3. Is there something wrong in this picture? For example, any block that is not in the appropriate place, in your opinion?
    4. Any other feedback for improvement?