Saturday, August 05, 2006


Death is a strange thing to encounter. Everything is forgotten and forgiven when there is a death. At least, by most people. Even if the person who is dead was not someone who was particularly helpful or a great human, everyone around rarely recalls such matters. Death is a strange thing. It makes one realise that there is simply no escape. Everything ends. Everything ends with death. If there's anything beyond death we don't know it....

Death thy appearance...
Is the time when ironically somethings begin to make sense!
For one of the souls though...
It is the final bow!
For those around it may be too hard a blow
Even if the person who left was not a great bloke
The experience; it brings to the fore
The fact that death is perhaps life's core!

Sorry if that poem makes no sense....I may just be babbling...

Asterix and Oberlix - A paradox

Came across a cool paradox in 'Asterix and the Normans'. The statement is credited to Getafix, the druid, in the book.

It is something on these lines...

"The truly brave are the ones who have overcome fear. Courage exists only where there is fear"....Courage lies in the overcoming of fear....